Beekeeping in Germany
There are about 130.000 beekeepers in Germany who have around 870.000 bee-colonies. 96% of the beekeepers have up to 25 bee hives, 3% between 26 to 50 and 1% have more than 50 beehives. The average honey production is 20-30kg per year per hive, totaling about 15.000 – 25.000 tons of honey per year. Since honey consumption of Germans is high (about 1,1kg of honey per year per person), only about 20% of the national honey demand can covered by German bee colonies.
The most common frames are Zander, Deutsch Normal and Dadant. Our honey bee population is mostly Carnica and Buckfast.
Work with Youth
It is hard to say anything about the number of youth beekeepers, since many are not organized in clubs, but work in regular schools. The German beekeeping association counts 2.008 beekeepers under the age of 18 (2017).
Mellifera, a beekeeping association with focus on educational aspects on bees and organic beekeeping, published a map and a list of young beekeeper clubs/ schools.
National Competitions
For the participation at IMYB, you need to qualify in regional and national competitions. These competitions are organized by the “Deutscher Imkerbund” and its regional subdivisions. For more information, have a look at the website of Deutscher Imkerbund.
Interesting tips for Apitourism
Zeidlermuseum (Beekeeping Museum) Feucht
Pfinzingstraße 6, 90537 Feucht, Tel. +49-9128 12184
Deutsches Bienenmuseum (Beekeeping Museum)
Ilmstraße 3, 99425 Weimar, Tel. +49-3643 805309
Spielweg 55, 79244 Münstertal Telefon +49 7636-791105
Untere Hirtenstraße 34, 74594 Kreßberg, Tel. +49-7957-9880-0
Biggest Association
Deutscher Imkerbund e.V. (D.I.B.) (= provides several free information leaflets for teachers and students and impart contacts for educational workshops)
Villiper Hauptstraße 3, 53343 Wachtberg-Villip, Tel.: +49(0)228 – 93292-0
Mellifera (= promotes Biodynamic beekeeping and provides excellent workshops and educational material on beekeeping with young people)
Fischermühle 7, 72348 Rosenfeld, Tel.: +49(0)7428 945 249-0
Deutscher Berufs und Erwerbs Imker Bund (DBIB) (= Professional beekeepers association)
Manfred Hederer, Hofstattstr. 22a, 86919 Utting am Ammersee, Tel. +49(0)8806-924509
Beekeeping Schools
For getting a professional beekeeping education you need to make an apprenticeship for three years in total. There is a practical and theoretical part. For further information please refer to the following pages of the two German beekeeping schools: LWG Bayern and Laves Niedersachsen
For job offers in beekeeping:
Besides, there are many regional courses for hobbyist beekeepers.
ICYB contact person, email
Contact for a youngster for AYB
(Association of Young Beekeepers)